Have you been noticing more hair on your pillow or hairbrush than usual? Well, then, it's evident that you have been suffering from hair loss. You are wondering what must be the reason behind uncontrolled hair loss.
Congrats! You have come to the right place! This article will help you discover the true causes of your annoying hair loss.
You can lose 50 to 100 hair strands each day, according to a report by the American Academy of Dermatologists (AAD). Hair loss is a common phenomenon as new hair replaces lost hair, but the problem arises when new hair doesn't start growing. So before getting a clear idea of the reasons behind hair loss, let's find out the types of it.
Types of Hair losses -
Hair loss can be permanent or temporary, so let's take a quick look at some of its varieties:
● Androgenic alopecia mainly refers to hair loss due to hereditary factors like male or female pattern baldness. The hair loss associated with androgenic alopecia typically
occurs progressively. Some individuals may experience hair loss as early as puberty,
while others may not experience symptoms until middle age.
● Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition that triggers the body’s immune system and targets hair follicles, resulting in extensive hair loss.
● Anagen effluvium is typically characterized by increased hair loss due to radiation therapy or chemotherapy. However, the best part is that your hair regenerates after discontinuing the treatment.
● Telogen effluvium is a type of unexpected hair loss caused by emotional or physical distress, such as a traumatic event, a period of extreme stress, or any life-threatening illness.
● Traction Alopecia typically results from wearing various hairstyles like tight braids, Ponytails, or buns, which put too much pressure and tension on the hair.
The most common causes of Hair loss
There are numerous causes of hair loss, including alopecia and hair thinning. If you're experiencing a receding hairline or baldness, it's essential to see a dermatologist to determine the source of the issue and how to stop hair loss or restore growth.
Check out some of the most common causes of hair loss before you schedule your appointment.
1. Hereditary
One of the common causes of hair loss is genetics, which is known as androgenic alopecia. The condition is prevalent in both men and women, and it occurs when the inherited genes cause the hair follicles to shrink and pause, producing new hair in a particular area. Men typically experience a receding hairline or bald spot, while women may notice overall hair thinning.
2. Aging As we get older, fewer hair follicles start growing. Hair starts getting thinner, and you may experience a receding hairline. Consult a dermatologist to guide you in the right direction.
3. Childbirth or Illness
Hair fall increases after childbirth or any severe illness. It's normal to experience moderate hair loss after any stressful physical condition, but the good news is you will start regaining your hair once you recover.
4. Hairstyling
Using excessive chemical-based products like hair colors, harsh shampoos, heat treatments, etc., can damage your hair over time, leading to excessive hair loss.
5. Damaging Hairstyles
Another cause of hair loss is opting for hairstyles that tightly pull the hair back. Various tightening hairstyles can cause friction and often lead to hair loss. Modifying any form of damaging hairstyle that may lead to friction in hair follicles can prevent future hair loss.
6. Hormonal Disbalance
Severe hormonal imbalances, which we often see in the cases of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), can also result in hair thinning or loss in women. The only way out of this is by getting the syndrome treated and protected from further damage.
7. Infections in Scalp
Certain scalp infections, including fungal infections like ringworm and bacterial infections like folliculitis, can significantly add to hair loss. Prompt treatment with antifungal or antibiotic medications is the best possibility for curing such a scenario. However, the hair regrowth speed might vary.
8. Medications
Certain medications, such as meds given in chemotherapy, anticoagulants, beta-blockers, and antidepressants, are known to trigger hair loss for some individuals. In such cases, discontinuing such medications is considered the best choice.
9. Psoriasis
Another scalp issue that causes severe infection is called scalp psoriasis. It's a chronic autoimmune condition that causes red, scaly patches on the scalp surface, leading to significant irritation and hair loss. When it comes to treatment, hair regrowth becomes extremely difficult without proper psoriasis clearance.
10. Trichotillomania
Another case where treatment is imminent is the case of Trichotillomania. It is a psychological disorder whereby the compulsive urge to pull out one's hair increases considerably. It can result in noticeable hair loss. The treatment usually involves addressing the underlying psychological factors and adding behavioral therapy techniques to manage the condition.
11. Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)
Do you know that certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can also lead to hair loss if left untreated? One of the most common examples is syphilis. It can cause patchy hair loss on the scalp and other body areas.
12. Thyroid
Hypothyroidism, or hyperthyroidism, can impact your hair health too. The thyroid gland helps regulate the body’s metabolism, hormone production, and hair growth cycles. When the thyroid is disturbed, it can disrupt the normal hair growth process, leading to hair thinning, increased shedding, or even bald patches in extreme cases.
13. Nutritional Deficiencies
Without a proper diet, the chances of missing essential nutrients such as biotin, iron, protein, or zinc increase, thus contributing to hair loss. These nutrients have proven to play a vital role in maintaining healthy hair follicles and promoting hair growth. When the body starts to lack these nutrients, it may prioritize other essential functions, leading to weakened
hair follicles and subsequent hair loss. Hair regrowth is possible only when the body receives an adequate supply of deficient nutrients.
When should I see a dermatologist?
In most cases, hair loss is reversible, and the possibility of hair regrowth entirely depends on the underlying cause of the loss. Before opting for the treatment, it is best to identify and address the specific cause by adopting healthy hair care practices. Most importantly, you must seek professional assistance from an experienced dermatologist who can guide you in the best possible way.
Only a few skin and hair clinics in North Kolkata can guide you in the right direction. You may consult Dr. Hawelia at Dr. Hawelia's Skin and Hair Clinic in Girish Park, one of the best clinics in North Kolkata. For more information, call or WhatsApp at +91 9830274689 or +91 6290736842 or email haweliasskinclinic@gmail.com.